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Everything You Need To Know About Sex Addiction

It's interesting to note that while certain addictions have become more socially acceptable and less taboo in recent years, there are still many that receive very little discussion in the media and public sphere. This is particularly the case for sex addiction, which suffers from confusion and which sometimes remains poorly perceived.

“Sex addiction is a subject that should be discussed” - Carey Mulligan

However, it is a form of behavioural dependence which deserves attention, because it affects many individuals in Canada, both men and women, who suffer the devastating effects of this addiction daily. So, let’s come back to the causes, consequences and ways to get out of this addictive behavior with the help of Sex Addictions Counseling in Calgary SW.

Sex Addictions Counseling Calgary SW

Definition of sex addiction:

More than just a disorder, sexual addiction is a behavioral addiction. In other words, it does not correspond to the repeated and increasing use of substances, but to a loss of control over sexual practices. It is generally associated with compulsive sexual behavior, taking health risks (unprotected sex), feeling hurt and ashamed about one's behavior, and an inability to curb thoughts of sexual abuse.

But it is important to remember that sex addiction should not be confused with nymphomania or with deviant or even criminal sexual practices. It is an illness that puts patients in a state of discomfort and prevents them from leading a “normal” life. Hence the importance of understanding it well and knowing the solutions to cure this addictive sexual behavior.

What are the signs of a sex addiction?

Below, we will show you the main signs of sexual addiction.

·         frequent consumption of porn content, usually associated with masturbation

·         sexual filters, which consist of an interpretation of each everyday life situation from an erotic and sexual angle

·         multiple and frequent sexual relations, governed by an uncontrollable need

·         difficulty being satisfied with just one partner, even in a fulfilling romantic relationship;

·         risk-taking, whether due to lack of protection, relationships with potentially dangerous strangers, etc.

Sexual addiction therefore takes various forms, with virtual or physical dependence and compulsive practice alone or through relationships with others.

If you recognize yourself in this description, you are probably prone to sex addiction. Do not hesitate to consult a specialized addictologist to confirm or refute this diagnosis, and thus implement the appropriate therapy.

What consequences can addictive sexual behaviors have?

Sex addiction is not seen as a real problem, and is sometimes even a laughing matter. The reality is quite different because, like any behavioral addiction, it can have dramatic consequences on addicted individuals. The obsessive nature of sex becomes overwhelming, making it difficult to concentrate and sometimes forcing the sex addict to put other parts of their life aside. Hypersexuality also obviously has social consequences: it complicates stable romantic relationships, which are polluted by adultery or a non-equivalent desire between the two partners.

If we go further, you should know that sex addiction creates negative feelings, such as guilt, shame, sadness, and loneliness, and can even lead to depression or even suicide.

Not to mention the health risks of hypersexuality. Compulsive behavior sometimes makes us completely forget the dangers of unprotected sex, which can nevertheless be the cause of more or less serious illnesses. After having obtained satisfaction and having filled their lack, the person may feel guilt and anxiety about this unprotected relationship, only accentuating their discomfort.

Are there specific causes for this behavioral addiction?

As with any other addiction, compulsive sexuality arises from several factors. Some individuals are more at risk, particularly when they suffer from low self-esteem, generalized anxiety, emotional lack, etc.

Many environmental factors are also involved in the development of a sexual addiction:

·         sexual abuse during childhood, or situations of family violence even without sexual acts

·         abandonment during childhood or a lack of affection and attention in the family sphere

·         early exposure to pornographic content

the ease of access to pornography on the internet, making sex immediately and continuously available, and highlighting ever more extreme practices.

How to treat sex addiction?

While it is easy to find addiction centres to wean yourself off alcohol, tobacco or drugs, there are fewer structures and specialists dedicated to the care of sexual addiction. However, professionals can help you if you want to end the vicious cycle of compulsive sexuality and addiction.

The idea is to consult a psychotherapist specializing in behavioral addictions: a psychologist or psychiatrist will be able to make the correct diagnosis and implement the appropriate therapy. In addition, they may prescribe a drug treatment, aimed at calming anxiety and regulating mood, to facilitate the return to a more serene life.

Unlike other addictions, the goal here is not to lead to withdrawal of the patient, because sex is an integral part of life and is not dangerous when practiced non-

pathologically. The work with the therapist will aim to help the patient understand sex differently, regain control and treat the problems underlying the addiction. In certain cases, it will be relevant to also go through couples therapy, so that the spouse is also taken care of and the dependent person feels supported.

There are also self-help groups and associations created to help free speech, relieve dependent individuals of their guilt and support them in different therapies.

Therefore, if you are searching for the best Couples Counseling service in Airdrie, contact Mayfair Counselling Services. They carefully listen to your issues and give you appropriate solutions to cope with the present problem.

Get in touch with us!

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